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The Work of God's Children

 Pima Bajo (Sonora) Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Nebome, Mountain Pima, and Lower piman.
This language is spoken by 1,000 people in the Chihuahua-Sonoran border area, Mexico.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father
Diosh inimam ani si schoit tat wus in'ipakadit.
Ant' apotuta si sia pitana apt'um soreto taik sa pia humac tasch pia etonni tat.
Api si sap apt' um tonnarito pia humaco ant' apotuto pitana,
hach kia ani tooha rembe tat. Apt um sap irito.

Our Father
Toga ti dama catum árni da cama scuga
m'aguna mutuguiga.
Tubui divianna simu
tuo didaga. Cosasi
m'huga cugaikiti ti
dama catum, 'ami
gusuda huco bupo
gusudana 'ia duburh
ába. Siari vugadi ti
coadaga vutu ica tas
'aba cati maca. Vpu gat'
oanida pima scuga ti
tuidiga Cos'as'ati pima
tuquitoa t'obaga tubuy pima
scuga tuidiga. Pima
t'huhuguidatudana Vpu
pima scuga tuidiga,
duguvonidani pima
scuga ami durhu.
Doda hapu muduna. Jhs.

Hail Mary
Sanct Maria si
vaguima ga m'urhida,
graciskiti tuguigama
xuudaiga. Mu buma pcai
da tistuodiga Dios: Vusi
vvbi vutugti scugamu
m'agu. Humu'pscai scug'
am 'agu mu vooc
hibaidaga Jesus.
Santa Maria Dios Duh
tanusiua pima scug
'gusudama nuocudana
vutu va ti coihaggeddo
Dod' hapu muduna. Jhs.

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