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The Work of God's Children

Sirionó Rosary Prayers
This language is aslo known as Mbia Chee and Mbya. 
This language is spoken by 400 people in eastern Beni and northwestern Santa Cruz Departments, Bolivia.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / Paba Ibatenda
Paba Ibatenda, sã mbia ñee turã
mbei quia nder.
Mbia rerecuarã ja sacuã echu jei íbii.
Sã mbia ibatenda riqui siqui beite
ndebi rese no.
Sã mbia ibi jenda abe riqui ndebi rese.
Ae ra ureu namo, ũquĩ embu rã urechiurã.
Ae uresaã icuã icuã ndeje nae, ũquĩ
embutiã ná uresi. Sã ureico tesarei
mbia icuã icuã mose ure je no.
'Mbae icuã jẽsaã' ¡ichĩ nda emo ure je
Urereaquiatu bei quia mbae icuã si.

Our Father /
Ure Ru
Ure Ru, ibate nā Nde riki rāē!
Nde Re nā aba dimuete tuti riki tyā!
Nde tiosō ka nā aba dimbiohi rete riki
tyā, ibii te tyā, ibate rāā-i te tyā!
Ure tiu-rā ko ntyaaśī-ntya katu-nda-rā
embu eae ure he ae!
Edimutyerō uka ka eae ure tiao-sa
ikwā he ae!
Sya ure te ure tyerō nte ure moo-sa
he nō,
Ure rikisā mīngo ka hē mae ikwā śi
ure muti-muti-sa śi hē!
Mae ikwā nga etyati tyō sereka ure śi
nō hē! Amén.

Hail Mary /
Aurabe, Maria!
Aurabe, Maria!
Nde hie gracia misē nte rāī!
Aeha Tya Nde rese riki bey te rāī!

Nde tyēē turā-hi rete riki tyāī kuñā
ha te śi tyāī!
Etyēē turā-hi rete riki tyā
Nde Rürī nõ, Jesús!

Santa Maria, Tumpā Si!
Eirasö ka ure reko ikwā nese ae,
kote te ae, ure manō tyeseko mōse nō
se! Amén.

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