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The Work of God's Children

Tetum Rosary Prayers
This language is also known as Tetun, Tettum, Teto, Tetu, Tetung, Belu, Belo, Fehan.
This language is spoken by 400,000 people in Indonesia and by 50,000 people in East Timor.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father

Ami Aman, iha lalehan,
Tulun ema atu hahí Ita Naran;
Halo Ita Nia reinu to’o mai ami;
Haraik tulun ba ema atu tuir Ita Nia hakarak
Iha rai nu’udar iha lalehan.
Ohin Ne’e, Haraik ai-han lor-loron nian mai ami;
Haraik perdua mai ami salan
Nu’udar ami perdua ba ema halo aat ami;
Labele husik ami monu ba tentasaun,
Maibé hasai ami hosi buat aat.

Our Father
Ami Aman nebé iha lalehan,
Ita naran na'ak halulik,
Ita lura'an*nto'o mai ami no
Ita hahakarak na'ak halak iha rai nudar iha lalehan.
Hahán amin loroloron nian haraik ohin mai ami.
Foti ami salan nudar ami foti ba sira nebé rala
at ami no la husik ami monu iha babeur
maibé tali'ur ami hosi buat at.

Hail Mary
Ave Maria kmanek nasoman,
Na'i na'ak no Ita,
rahun kmanek na'ak Ita iha feto sira
let no rahun kmanek sain nosi knotak itan, Jezus.
Santan Maria, Maromak Inan,
harohan mai ami, maksalak sira,
oras ne'e no oras ami husik is.

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