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The Work of God's Children

Vili Rosary Prayers

This language is also known as Yoombe, Tsivili, Civili, Ivili, Fiote, Fiot, and Bavili.
This language is spoken by 7,400 people in
Kouilou Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  It is also spoken by 3,800 people in southern Gabon on the coast near Mayumba.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / Tat'itu
Djé ké ku me ilu
Bu tinu bu’aku bu tuu :ke
M’vuilu’aku u vangene fe li si bune bu ke ku ilu
Tu va a:ni bu buay ndiwu’itu i muse be wuwu
Tu kobulile mi sange mu n’nèke’itu
Bune tu nkabulilange ivitu mi sange mu bane be tu bunduli
U tu sulikini fe lu vulumuku ko
Kasi tu yobuli fe mioku m’bi mambu.

Hail Mary / I ku bile Mari
I ku bile Mari
U èli i grasi zambi ké i’aku
Djiè u viokisi bu tchiéto boo :su
Muan’aku vuma
Y ‘esu li kundi li tchi vumu tchiaku vuma.
Santa Maria, Mama zambi
Sambilange bèsu bange me sumu
A bubu i tangu lu fua lu itu.

Another version of

Hail Mary / Mè singa wè, Maria
Mè singa wè, Maria,
wè na gras vâ, Magnambi
u lu na we, a vegi we
mabwè ma ma luta bakasu
bosi, Jezu, Mwana wè,
ndè sè na mambwè mosi.
Santa Maria, Ngu a Magnambi, vovo mu besu, batu ba babi, na gnagni bu, na lwèlè li besu li ka kwa. Amen.

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