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The Work of God's Children

 Yongkom Rosary Prayers
The Yoongkom language is also known as Yonggom and Yongom.
This language is spoken by 4,000 people in Western Province, along the Fly and Tedi (Alice) rivers and towards Lake Murray,
Papua New Guinea.

See also The Work of God's Children page for the illustrated version of prayers in this language.

Our Father / The Lord's Prayer
’Nub Ambe Ewen ari dibeeb,
ewaningko kuu karadmo ande kankoonuub.
10. Ebbed korok kere ooni yeman kuu munuk,
eb dowakenmo yambed korem kwanok,
Ewen ari kwanimaib areb okad
kiri kwamune kamimamok.
11. Kibikee nub dobiri ye animan kuu
12. Kane yaambed nub yaa ambarakmiwen
kuu are nonondanduwen areb kuu,
kwamune ebbed nub ambarakmi
yaa kuu are nonondandunde.
13. Kwane, ambarakmaniib dee andi
ye kiwaan ari nub ben nongkobaab.
No kwane awad arewambed
nub yaa manaan ye dowad
kuu nub benkoobe.’

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